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Dawn Marasco

Are you plugged in… literally?

A day in my life…

Recently as I was cleaning, I noticed my cordless phone sitting in it's base, but the light was not on. So I picked up the phone and realized that it was “dead”. I looked to see if it was plugged in. It was not. In fact, the plug was sitting on the floor.

Then I noticed the receptacle had an extension cord plugged into it. The cord from the phone base and the extension cord were so close to one another, but they were not connected.

In that moment I plugged the cord from the phone base into the extension cord and immediately it gave power to the phone. The light illuminated showing that the phone had power once again.

It was obvious that as long as the phone is plugged into the extension cord it has power… but when it became unplugged the power from within the phone ceased.

Isn’t that how we can feel?

I don’t know about you but sometimes I feel sapped of all power.

I can feel as if I am close to the extension cord, but not plugged in.

As Christians we have been given the power… the power of the Holy Spirit that lives in us. Even though He is in us … I can “forget” to plug into Him daily.

Here are a few things I do when I feel weak or tired or not plugged in.

  • I first make sure that I am plugged into my relationship with God. Is my heart softened toward Him? Am I connecting with Him through prayer and His Word, (the Bible)? Are my thoughts keeping me connected to Him or am I allowing negative thoughts to derail my relationship with God?

  • Then I consider if I am doing things in my own strength versus the spiritual strength that God gives us through His Holy Spirit. It can be very subtle. But I know if I am trudging ahead or if I am inviting the Spirit to lead me.

  • Then I pray… I ask God to help me get plugged in and filled up with His Spirit in order that I can do all things in His strength, wisdom, and power.

Philippians 4:13 (NAS)

I can do all this through Him who strengthens me.

This can be my prayer:

“Lord, may I never unplug from Your Spirit! May I allow Your Spirit to empower me to do all things. Lead me to do Your will, in Your timing, and in Your strength.

Lord, just like the phone needed electricity to work… I need You every day! Father, help me to stay connected to You in small and big ways so that Your light within me… shines brightly.

You are the source of my strength. May you bless me and make me a blessing. In Jesus’ Name! Amen”

Romans 15:13 (NIV)

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Friend, I pray you are strengthened and renewed by the Lord today!

Let’s stay plugged in,


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