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Dawn Marasco

Be Encouraged! Peace is a Gift


Our lives give us many reasons to need peace . . . especially now.

Do you find this to be true?

Let’s THRIVE. In this issue I am going to share with you:




THESE truths keep me in GOD’S AMAZING PEACE.

Peace is a Gift


Peace is not for sale or everyone would buy it; it is a gift from God.

We have been given the most awesome gift!

God has provided a way for us to live a life of peace. This is not a fleeting peace but a peace that we can count on. Sadly, many of us do not know how to live this way. I was a Christian whose thoughts, words, and actions were the evidence that God’s peace was not flourishing within me. I was coerced by fears, doubts, and the pains from my past, which continually robbed me of my peace. I longed for God’s peace. I desperately sought it. I would have bought it if I could, but since I could not purchase it, I had to learn how to receive it.

What I found was that the Book of John reveals that Jesus did not want to leave us as orphans when He went home to heaven. He wanted to leave us with the most powerful gift to help us in this life. This gift is the Holy Spirit in us. His being in us implies that He will be with us no matter what we are going through or facing. He is our Helper, the One who gives us the ability to have God’s peace.

John 14:16, 26-27

I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you. Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.

Jesus did not give as the world would give, but rather He supplies us with His peace. The world gives perishable things such as money and belongings. These possessions may make us temporarily happy, but they cannot produce God’s peace.

By our faith in Jesus, we are filled with His Spirit, who gives us the capacity to have God’s peace. By His Spirit we are transformed, renewed, and set apart for His purposes.

What a gift we have been given!


Here is a truth of God that you can hold onto every day and especially in the difficult days.

Hebrews 13:5b–6 (AMP)

For He has said, “I WILL NEVER [under any circumstances] DESERT YOU [nor give you up nor leave you without support, nor will I in any degree leave you helpless], NOR WILL I FORSAKE or LET YOU DOWN or RELAX MY HOLD ON YOU [assuredly not]!” So we take comfort and are encouraged and confidently say, “THE LORD IS MY HELPER [in time of need], I WILL NOT BE AFRAID. WHAT WILL MAN DO TO ME?”

The Bible is where God shares His heart with us! He desires you to be comforted and encouraged. You can confidently trust in Him. He lovingly yet strongly declares in Hebrews that:

  • · He will never under any circumstances desert you, nor leave you without support.

  • · He will not leave you helpless.

  • · He will not forsake you.

Our response back to our God can be, “You are my Helper… Because You are with me, I do not have to be afraid.”

We can fear not because Almighty God is with us!

We are not to go through this life alone. Our God is with us! He wants to assure you of the love and support that He exerts toward you. This is who He is . . . He loves His kids.


Let me share a situation and the truth that set me free.

When God first taught me this powerful lesson, I was experiencing a terrible fear that was rooted in a real concern that I was facing. As I was about to lose my peace, I immediately got on my knees and began to cry out to God. I voiced my concern to Him. I told Him I needed a truth to hold on to. I prayed, “Please, Lord, speak to me through Your Word.” I felt Him prompt my heart, “Psalm 24:7.” I quickly opened my Bible and read Psalm 24:7.

Psalm 24:7 (NIV)

Lift up your heads, you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in.

As I read the words “Lift up your heads,” I actually looked up. With my head lifted, I took a deep and calming breath. With my focus now upon my faithful Lord, I felt spiritually lifted up. I felt the heavy weight lift from within me.

God prompted my heart, “How often are you to lift up your head and take your eyes off of your circumstances, fixing your attention onto Me?” I was amazed when I realized the scripture is Psalm 24:7. What a great reminder that twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week we are to look up to God.

In that moment God showed me that He knew where I was and what scripture I needed. He knew that I was beginning to focus on my circumstances, which was causing me to lose sight of His presence in my life. Focusing on my negative circumstances produced fear and was beginning to rob my peace. When I focused on the Lord Almighty, He lifted my fear and gave me faith to trust Him and a clear understanding that He wants me to look up to Him 24/7 so that I may be lifted up!

Our lives give us many opportunities to look to God. Even in the devastating circumstances in life, we are to look up to Him. He will take our greatest pain, disappointment, or sorrow, and saturate those depths with His peace, comfort, and love.


Our TRUTH TO KNOW: Peace is a Gift from God

Our SCRIPTURE TO BELIEVE: Hebrews 13:5b–6 Your God is with you and He will NEVER leave you!

Our TRUTH TO APPLY. LOOK UP to God and you will BE LIFTED UP!

Which of those three points which of those three points were the most encouraging to you? Please let me know.

I have been working on a book for four years in hopes to help others live in the peace I have found. For the last 24 years I have been learning and living out the principles that I share. As I mentioned above, I was desperate for God’s peace. I sought the Lord and He has taught me the 4 steps that keep me in His amazing peace no matter the circumstances. In this newsletter, I have shared some excerpts from that book: Continuous Peace, 4 Steps to Living the Life of Peace God Intended.

I hope these three truths have helped you and will continue to remind you to LOOK UP 24 /7 to the One who is our Peace.

Desiring us all to walk in God’s amazing Peace,


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