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Dawn Marasco

Find out What is Robbing Your Peace

Hey Friend,

In my book, Continuous Peace, I shared how as a Christian I pretended to be whole while I was really broken.

When I became a Christian, it was awesome, and it did change my life forever. I was comforted to know that God was with me. I understood that I was forgiven but I still did not know how to be healed. I did not know how to handle my past wounds and fears, so I continued to hide them. I was unaware of what else to do. Pretending to be whole while I was really broken produced no peace in my life. It only fed and fueled my fears and insecurities. They were permitted to grow wildly!

In the years that followed, I tried to live by faith, but I was blown off course by one fear after another. I felt stuck. I despised the fact that I was such a weak Christian. I knew I could be living a victorious life, but I did not know how. I went to church every Sunday. I loved God, but the truth was that fear ruled my life, not God.

I deeply desired a peace that I could live by, but my fearful way of living continually robbed me of my peace. I felt like a failure, unproductive, weak, and ashamed of how I was living. What-ifs—meaning “What if this happens or what if that happens?”— were obstacles stopping my forward progress. I felt far from God and far from His purposes. I was exhausted. I felt like I was not good enough. I knew my answers were found in God, but I did not understand how to find them or apply them.

Can you identify with some of those same feelings?

The following questions describe how I felt prior to having God’s peace. Are any of these questions true for you?

  • Are you tired of allowing fear to run your life?

  • Does the threat of “What if?” impact you as though it is a truth?

  • Does the bully of fear try to change your direction?

  • Are you exhausted from the indecisive battles over everyday decisions?

  • Do you feel far from God?

  • Do you feel far from His purposes in your life?

  • Are you far from the peace that God has promised?

  • Are you exhausted from trying to control situations?

  • Do you feel overwhelmed, insignificant, or not good enough?

  • Are you fed up with living a life that does not reflect the glory of God as it could or should?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, you may want to take the 2-minute quiz that Tom and I created. We created the quiz to reveal the specific obstacles that rob our peace. Once we recognize these obstacles, we are more able to address them and overcome them.

God did not call us to live a life of frustration or fearful destruction. He has provided a way for us to live a life full of peace, faith, and freedom.

Now may the Lord of peace Himself grant you His peace at all times and in every way [that peace and spiritual well-being that comes to those who walk with Him, regardless of life’s circumstances]. The Lord be with you all.

2 Thessalonians 3:16 (AMP)

Peace can be the way we live,


P.S. In the results page you will receive a free gift.

P.S.S. Also please share the quiz with others, by doing so you will receive a pdf eBooklet called, “Bring Your Cup.” It is one of my favorite teachings God gave me.

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