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Dawn Marasco

Lessons Learned While Waiting

Updated: Oct 25, 2022

Friend, I have been in a very long season of waiting.

Waiting in general is hard…

  • waiting longer than anticipated in a line… can frustrate us.

  • waiting on someone to do what they said they would do… can disappoint us.

  • waiting on situations to change… can overwhelm us.

Waiting seasons are hard. When we are waiting on God for specific things we feel or we know that He has spoken or promised even this can be extremely difficult.

What are you waiting for? (Please share your heart with me, I will pray for you.)

I know many who are in the waiting season: waiting for a spouse, child, financial provision, healing, freedom, an answer to prayer, or a specific direction from the Lord.

Over the years I have been waiting on God for many things. Here are some of the lessons I have learned.

First, I recognize what I am waiting for, and talk with God about it. I tell Him where I am.

1 Peter 5:7 (NIV)

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

God really does care about all that we are going through, hoping for, or concerned about. Bring your heart and concerns to Him. Because HE CARES FOR YOU!

Second, I continued to surrender that issue to God and look up and stay connected to Him. Stay connected to Him... even when I am disappointed… what??? disappointed …in God? … in God’s timing? or seeming lack of timing? Yes, in this season I have had to deal with my real disappointment. I thought that God was clear about what He had said He would do… but when it did not happen in the time frame that I thought…

  • It was confusing. (Did I miss You God?)

  • I found myself overwhelmed. (Was I supposed to be doing more?) That easily leads to self-effort… instead of being led by God.

  • Then in my long season of waiting… the feelings of being confused and overwhelmed led to my feeling disappointed. Disappointed in God? No, but disappointed that what I felt He had said, wasn’t happening.

Third, this season of waiting can lead to us second-guess God's truths or what He has spoken. We can begin to doubt ourselves, our own abilities, and even His will for us.

In this season of uncertainty, we can try to take things into our own hands. Why?

We are trying to relieve the pain of waiting

Be careful because in our time of waiting and uncertainty we may push away from God and try to numb our deep desires… through food, buying items, substances, relationships or attempting to control things. But these self-coping mechanisms make us feel lower, more frustrated, and usually add guilt to the waiting season.

Let’s do our BEST in our waiting seasons.

  • Like I said above, let’s talk with God about what we are waiting for, He cares.

  • Let’s continue to surrender that issue to God and stay connected to Him, He is close.

KNOW THAT HE IS FAITHFUL. The picture below is my reminder to Trust Him. Nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37) He is in the waiting!


Grab hold of the ONE who called YOU by Name!!!


Remember God loves you and He got you! Dawn

PS What are you waiting for?(Please share your heart with me, I will pray for you.)

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