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Dawn Marasco


When we try to soar, we can become afraid of the unknown. Uncertainty or perhaps fear of not being able causes us to just want to stay comfortable on the ground in our own space. We may be afraid of failure thinking, “What if I get up there and I mess up or make a fool of myself? We can have a plan, but the truth is, we will never have all of the answers. We can never know the outcome ahead of time. That is why we need faith. Faith chooses to takeoff even when we are afraid. It takes courage soar! Courage is moving forward in faith even in the face of fear.

Courage = faith + doing while afraid

So, if you want courage it's going to take on the one hand FAITH and on the other hand DOING.

Or how about faith telling our heart to do what we know is right, and doing what we know God has called us to do even in the face of fear or uncertainty.

Honestly, God sized calls in our life, feel bigger than we are. I remember the unbelievable weight of being a parent and all that I would have to do to raise a godly, confident child, who knew they were loved. It was bigger than me. And that's what God size steps are, right? They are bigger than we are. Let's not sit paralyzed by fear and all of the what ifs that could happen. No. If we want to soar, we need to be fueled: internally filled up with God's Word and prayer. We need to TRUST God and daily go forward doing the next right thing.

Courage = faith + doing while afraid

When we are doing what God has called us to, there will be turbulence. Expect it. Turbulence can be an inner conflict or outer wind and storm brewing. It can feel like you are tossed up and then tossed down. Turbulence is quite common when we're soaring. So let’s expect that storms will arise and when we see the turbulent skies, we're going to trust and adjust.

Let's trust and adjust.

So, what does it mean to trust and adjust? It means by faith and with courage we set our sights on the goal we have set. We don't set our sights on the storm. We remember where we're headed, and we readjust so that we can soar through the storm.

Isaiah 40:30-31 (NIV)

Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Many times a storm can take us to higher heights with God than we could ever reach without it. In the storm we can hope in the Lord. He will renew our strength. We can obediently adjust our thinking, recalculate our route, and continue to climb. God wants us to soar! Do not fear the storms.


  • I pray You lead us and empower us with courage to do Your will.

  • Help us to fill up with You and Your Word.

  • Prompt our heart to pray, trust You and to do the next right thing.

  • Lord may Your Spirit lift us to the heights of our calling.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Thanks friend, let me know if there is anything I can pray for you or your family. We are in this together! Let’s SOAR! Dawn PS DOWNLOAD your FREE SOAR pdf e-booklet here! PSS Please forward this to a friend, so they can receive the free e-booklet also. Thanks!

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