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S.S.S. Sharing Something Special

Dawn Marasco

Happy Summer!

July is rolling by so quickly, but I wanted to slow down and share a special message from my youngest son, Luke. It honestly is my honor to share his teaching. Although he shared this message with the youth, this message can bless each of us today.

In his teaching, he asks a great question and follows it up with a powerful story.

Have you ever questioned what your purpose is in life??? Why am I here?

He says, “This is a question we need to answer.” He struggles with this as well.

He shares this story:

Suppose you went to an art gallery. You see a piece of abstract art. It looks wild and funky and you think, “What is the function of this?” Why is this here?” Why did the person make this?

If there are 100 people in the room and you ask each one – “What is the purpose of this painting? Why did the artist choose to paint this?” Each one would give their own answers. Each one would answer from their own unique experiences.

But if the painter were in that room you could ask him or her and immediately they could tell you …. I created this because of x, y, or z. The reason I did that stroke was because of … (and state their thinking) They could say, See I had such intention behind it.

Our purpose and our lives are like that abstract art. We are looking for the meaning of our life and we go to a million different areas for our answer. We go to our friends, people, schooling, and finances to somehow figure out WHAT IS MY PURPOSE.

Yet, the One who made you is right here. He is in the room saying, “Just ask Me. I know what your purpose is. I made you.”

I love how Luke illuminated that God created us and God knows our purpose.

Luke shares Bible truths to help us recognize God’s purpose in our lives. Lean in as he shares from his life as well as other powerful stories that can impact our lives.

May God bless you beyond measure!!!

Your friend,




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