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Dawn Marasco

Thanksgiving Prayer & a Song

I am so thankful for YOU!!!

Before I pray for you, I would like to share a tender moment that I had today.

While I was preparing the turkey no one was home. I thought to myself… what should I listen to? I decided to listen to worship music and play it louder than usual, since I was the only one home. And that is what I did. = )

I did not anticipate that from the first word … I would begin to cry. It was a cry so deep that it brought about a warm flood of healing! Yes, healing while I carved my turkey, worshiping with tears streaming down my face!

But you know what… it was sooo needed.

It has been a long time since I have had a tender moment with just me and the Lord. I don’t know why it has been so long, but it has. I have really missed intimate moments like this.

Here is the link to the song I was listening to: Goodness of God (Live) by CeCe Winans.

My tears started as CeCe sang these words:

I love You, Lord.

For Your Mercy never fails me.

All my days I’ve been held in Your hand.

From the moment that I wake up until I lay my head,

Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God.

Bhahahah!!! I am crying again just listening as I write this for you.

For all my life You have been FAITHFUL!

And all my life You have been sooo sooo good!

With every breath that I am able,

Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God.

… Your goodness is running after me….

Your goodness is running after me!

Honestly, that song is a perfect song for me this Thanksgiving! I have shared a lot of my hard past with you. (if not click here to read some of it ) I have experienced the bottom of a pit so deep and filled with sorrow and pain that I thought there was no getting out of it… BUT GOD.

That is why the tearsbut God. He has been sooo sooo faithful! His mercies have never failed me. In every season of my life… even now, I have had sorrow and pain but honestly God has been sooo sooo faithful. I am forever grateful!

So… I carved the turkey as I worshiped from the depths of my heart. I thanked God for who He has been in my life! For His faithfulness to me, even when I was not faithful to Him. For His mercies that continue to cover me. Again, I have gone through a lot of really negative circumstances in my life, but the goodness of God has met me every single time. Sometimes I did not realize how good He was until I looked back. Today, in the face of His goodness, I surrendered all to Him once again.

Friend, now please allow me to pray for you!

“Lord, I am sooo thankful for my friends. I pray that You meet them right where they are. You know where they are and what they are going through. I know You are faithful… that is WHO YOU ARE… Lord, supply all that they need and heal them. Provide them with a deeper more intimate relationship with You. Allow them to see how You have been faithful. I pray that they experience more of Your goodness!

Lord, press into all of our lives and allow us to overflow with Your goodness. Keep us looking up, standing firm, filled with Your joy and peace, no matter what we are going through. You are our hope and we are loved by You!

I pray… You BLESS my friends beyond measure today and always!!! We are so thankful for You Lord. Be glorified in all of us! In Jesus’ name! Amen.”

May we all overflow with thankful hearts this Thanksgiving and always!

Thanks for letting me share.

So thankful for you!


PS. Here is a scripture for you from Numbers 6:24-26 (NLT):

‘May the Lord bless you and protect you.

May the Lord smile on you

and be gracious to you.

May the Lord show you his favor

and give you his peace.’

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