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Dawn Marasco

2 Thing I Do in the New Year

Happy New Year!

I want to remind you that you are a gift to me!

I am so thankful that we get to journey together. I am praying these Thrive newsletters will be a blessing to you all year long.

I am praying for you to have an amazing new year filled with all of God's best, especially His presence, peace, love, joy, wisdom, health, and provisions.

I'd like to share 2 things that help me in the new year

1. I do not make new year's resolutions, but I do double down on the things I feel God has spoken to me.

For instance, my eating. (Can I be this honest?)

In 2020, I worked on getting my weight and eating to a good place. I stayed there for a long while, but somehow this last year, I went backwards and could NOT recover.

Don't get me wrong... daily I set out to eat well, with a focus on not eating junk at night... but only to give in again and again. Ugh. I easily gave in thinking, "It is not that much food, or it is "healthier" foods... but all the while giving in and not making lasting changes.

But then I realized that all of my good intentions were not enough. So, knowing I was not able to do what I wanted to do, recently I prayed and surrendered to God. I tearfully confessed that I was trying to have self-control, but I needed Him to help me.

Something happened in giving God control. I became stronger from the inside. Oh, the gifts we have in Christ!

Phil. 4:13 (NAS)

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

I know going forward I will be working with God in His wisdom and strength, not my own.

The second thing I do at the beginning of the new year is:

2. I pray and choose a word for the year.

If you have never chosen a word for the year this might sound strange. But what I have found is that when I pray and ask God for a word for that year, it is usually so accurate. It becomes a reminder as the year progresses of what God spoke at the beginning.

Some years I only had a word like, BRAVE. Other times I added a scripture and last year I added an application that went along with my word for the year.

For instance, last year my word(s) for 2022 were:

  • Just BELIEVE

  • The scripture was Luke 1:37, For Nothing is impossible with God.

  • Then this helpful reminder to daily: TRUST His Character Along the Way!

Then in 2021 my word for the year was:


  • the scripture: The One who calls you is faithful, and He will do it. 1 Thes. 5:24

Have you ever asked God for a Word for the year?

It is a good exercise. I write my Word down and place it strategically so that I can be reminded of my focus for the year. And trust me, I do remind myself!

This year my word surprised me: ENJOY

That word just makes me smile!

I want to enjoy this year! Enjoy God. Enjoy those He has entrusted to me. Enjoy what He is calling me to do. Honestly as I go through the day, I am reminding myself to enjoy it.

Nehemiah 8:10b (NAS)

"Do not be grieved, the joy of the Lord is your strength."

Will you pray for a word for the new year? Our words can be so unique and beautiful!

I would love it if you share your word with me.

Cheering you on,


PS I enjoyed sharing this with you! = )

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