I want to share a song and a funny story with you.
First, my favorite Christmas song: Mary Did You Know, by Pentatonix
Mary Did You Know by: Pentatonix https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifCWN5pJGIE
Now for the story. A few years ago, near Christmastime, I wanted to hear the song, Mary Did You Know, as I baked. The problem was when I searched the song, every version ever made popped up. So, to my family's dismay and later great frustration, I listened to every rendition of that song! Yes, that song on repeat for a loooong time.
It is funny how we make a tradition or a mark without realizing it. From then on, when my family hears that song, they think of me and probably want to run! (It still makes me laugh.)
I’d love it if you shared your favorite Christmas song or story with me.
I love you, friend!
Thanks for making a difference in my life and in the life of so many others!
Shine brightly this Christmas season. He is with you, and He is within you!
Love you bunches!
PS I am praying for you friend. I know this season can be difficult too. Lifting you up! I am here if you want to talk or pray. (Email me at Dawn@DawnMarasco.com I’d love to talk.)