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Be Careful What You Think

Dawn Marasco

Updated: Jul 20, 2020

THRIVE Issue 02

TRUST is like a MUSCLE. Hey Freind, Be Careful What You Think.

I know in this difficult season with uncertainty all around us, it is easy for us to grab hold of fear which allows fear to grab hold of us.

Fear only compounds the issues we face.

One night a few months ago as I was going to bed, I was faced with two situations that caused me to feel uneasy and overwhelmed. Persistent vague thoughts of “what if this or that happens” were rolling around in my mind. Then by thinking on the possibility of the negatives that could happen, those thoughts began to sneak into my heart. That is when fear pressed in and tried to bring with it other negative emotions to cover me. As I mentioned in the last newsletter fear used to rule my life. Now that I know what it is like to live in God’s peace, I never want to give that up. So, I am careful not to feed fear by entertaining the what-if type of thoughts. But because I was facing issues that were too big for me, I knew I needed to let God into those areas. I knew I had to immediately go to God and release my fears to Him.

Casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.

1 Peter 5:7(NASB)

After I prayed and chose to trust God with those situations. I felt my peace return enough that I could sleep. But in my morning time with God, I began to talk to Him again about those troubling thoughts. Once again, I knew I had a choice: will I trust God or will Iallow fear to impact my heart and life.That was when confidently as if to encourage me, these words began to pour from my pen. I hope they help you too.

Here is what I wrote: Trust is like a muscle. The more you use Trust - the stronger it gets. Trust ~ is A CHOICE! Trust is the direction we take that leads us to God’s peace. TRUST is not easyit is a choice. Catch worry ~ ASAP Worry erodes – our TRUST Worry feeds FEAR Catch worry in its tracks. Choose to trust God no matter what. TRUST IS AN ACTION The little scribbles with arrows on the bottom of the page are translated: When what-ifs present themselves -- I will choose to trust God no matter what. When this or that can happen -- I will choose to trust God no matter what. TRUST IS AN ACTION (POWERFUL) Trust is one of the most powerful actions that we can take! When we trust God with our concerns, He gives us His peace. Our faith grows as we continue to trust God. After I wrote that page of truths, my heart was full of faith. I remember being so thankful, even though my circumstances had not changed, I was changed. I remember as I went throughout my day, I was happy. I was so thankful that God reminded me again to trust Him with my circumstances. Even though my life’s issues can be too big for me, they are not too big for Almighty God! He got me. Friend, He got YOU too! I think the question we face is:

Do I trust God with my heart, my life, and all that concerns me?” We cannot change many things, but we can CHOOSE to TRUST God in every situation. Trust is a choice.

  • Have you experienced a similar time when you needed to choose to trust God?

  • Did anything I wrote about trust resonate with you?

Let’s THRIVE for His glory!

Dawn Marasco

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