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Cradle, Cross, and Full Access

I want to share a special moment I had. I hope it blesses you as it did me.

A few months ago, I was praying in the sanctuary and as I turned the corner, I saw the manger that had been used for our beautiful Christmas service. The shock of seeing the unexpected sight caught me off guard.

Continuing to pray I thought what an amazing gift we have been given, God came to earth to lead us to the Father. Then the strongest thought came to me… and I turned it into a prayer.

As I prayed, I thanked the Lord, for coming to us vulnerably as a babyfully God yet as a vulnerable baby. Tears were filling my eyes as I processed the word vulnerable which really hit home. In that season I felt vulnerable as I sought God, trying to discern His will while I continued to do what I felt was the next right thing.

I prayed to the Lord and said, “Lord I think many of us feel vulnerable right now.

I continued to prayfilled with emotion and overwhelmed with His audacious love that He desired to come to us as a vulnerable baby. I felt loved and seen by Him.

As I prayed, I felt as if I should look up. That is when I looked up and what did I see? The side light was shining on the wooden cross.

How amazing! The cradle represented His vulnerable beginning,

and the cross represented His earthly life fulfilled.

I continued to praystill in awe of the messages woven within the cradle and the cross.

In the back of the sanctuary, I came across one of my favorite reminders on a desk. It was a pass that says, ALL ACCESS. Again, I stopped and pondered what I saw.


I was so thankful for these three amazing reminders of WHAT the Lord Jesus has done for us.

We have been given full access to the Father because Jesus vulnerably came to the earth as an infant child. He fulfilled His call to become the sacrifice without blemish. He subjected Himself to be beaten, spit upon, and ridiculed by the ones He created. He was treated as a sinner, thief, and common criminal.

All along He knew the joy that He was making a way for us… the joy of seeing God’s children be able to have a real and personal relationship with their Father.

Let’s not miss it!

Let’s not casually approach this amazing relationship that we get to have.

We have full access to our Father in heaven. Let’s come into His presence with singing and thanksgiving! The Lord is good and faithful! His love endures forever!

Psalm 100:4-5 (NIV)

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.

Friend come as you are and press into all that He has for you! Let’s tap into the abundant life He has for us!

John 10:10 (NAS)

I came so that they would have life, and have it abundantly.

Joyfully pressing in,


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