I want to share a special memory with you.
After dinner one night, I heard my mom say to my children with excitement, “Who wants to go for a walk and look for treasure?!?”
Immediately I heard each of my three young children screech with joy and shout, “Meee!!!”
With a beaming smile, a skip in their step, the youngest two grabbed hold of my mom’s hand and off they all went.
My mom could make any event fun. That day she turned an ordinary walk into a memory they have treasured for decades.
I recall them walking back into the yard with thankful hearts. Each one excited to share the “treasure” they had found.
Some of the treasure their little hands held were bottle caps, multiple types of rocks and sticks, and the best most remarkable treasure was a little blue cookie monster stuffed animal. They could not believe they found a mini stuffed animal. My mom even made it fun and memorable washing it before they began to play with it as their own.
That day my mom taught my kids
to look for treasure
throughout their everyday lives.
God was my mom’s treasure. And she cherished spending time with her grandkids. I am sure she shared about the goodness of God when they found the unique rocks and that little blue stuffed animal.
When God is our treasure… we are blessed beyond measure!
When God is our treasure… we are able to enjoy this life and cherish those He has entrusted to us.
God is our greatest reward and when we are full of Him… every day can be enjoyed even the most mundane task, like taking a walk, can become a way to enjoy the moment and look for God’s treasure.
Genesis 15:1 (NIV)
I am your shield, your very great reward.
My prayer:
“Lord my greatest treasure is knowing You and walking with You.
God, there are many blessings in this life, but above them all I treasure the relationship I get to have with You. I am blessed beyond measure that I get to know You better, walk with You, and enjoy the events of each day together.
Help me to take Your hand and draw near to You throughout my ordinary day. Help me see the treasure found in You and all around me as we walk together. I treasure the relationship You have provided for us to have with You.
Lord, help us to treasure those You have entrusted to us for a moment or a lifetime. May we cherish what You cherish. Help us to see the treasure that is in front of us.”
Our greatest treasure in this life is knowing and walking with the Lord! He is a constant companion to those who love Him. He fills us with His strength and joy as we do life with others! He helps us to see what living truly is and He joins us for every step of the way.
What do you treasure in your life?
Reply and let me know.
Friend, I treasure you,
P.S. Do You Want to know the 3 Truths to Live by?
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