Summer is almost over.
Are you ready to get back into the swing of things?
Summer is always my favorite season of the year. But sadly, every year I think, I am going to slow down and REALLY enjoy it, but life goes by so fast.
Summer also has a way of tossing aside even our best routines. Our time with God is one area that can get pushed around during the summer months. For me, fall can be a good time to restart and reconfigure the routines of life.
I know that most of us want a deeper walk with God. We want to be in His Word consistently, but we can become frustrated when we are not where we want to be. Sometimes it is even hard to get back into connecting with God.
I know what it is like to have had a wonderful way of connecting with God and then something, a situation, life event, or new season derailed me. Often times, I had a very hard time getting back to seeking the Lord as I once did.
And beyond that, I remember when I was doing the “right” things going to church, loving God, reading my Bible, but I really did not know how to connect with God or deepen my relationship with Him. Those were painful, frustrating seasons.
Those frustrating seasons gave me compassion and a heart to help others build their OWN routine so they can hear God and deepen their walk with Him.
My heart is to grow and to help others to grow in the Lord.
I would love to help. You may have recently heard me mention about my FREE month in my You CAN Thrive Membership. Why would I give away a free month and why would I be persistent in letting you know?
Why? Because I know what it is like to lose my way.
Are you where you want to be in your walk with God?
Are you interested in learning the truths and tools that helped me find that deeper relationship with God?
Would you want the tools to set up your own personal routine with God?
And what about accountability? I am offering my online community my 30-Day Challenge that changed the rest of my life. People have told me that this challenge has changed their lives, and it could change yours too.
This is why I have wanted to share this month with YOU. I want to help you go deeper in your walk with God. Join us for a FREE month.
For the next 30 days you can:
learn from me and others what helps us connect to God
create your own personalized routine
join our community 30-Day Challenge. (We will cheer each other on!)
And if it is not what you are looking for… you can stop anytime. It is that easy. Either way, I would be happy that you were able to go deeper with God. I am for you, friend!
I am cheering YOU on!
Friend, if you love learning at your own pace, while being built up, encouraged, and gleaning from a community of amazing Christian women, then be our guest in You CAN Thrive.
August 30th is our next monthly Coaching Call where we will discuss our current topic, Transformation through the Word and so much more. Click here to jump in and be blessed.