I am now a mom of 4 adults!!! What?!! That is crazy. As a young girl my highest hopes and dreams were to be a wife and a mother. And by the grace of God, I just celebrated my 35th wedding anniversary and now our last child has graduated and is an adult.
So this month, I took a few weeks off of ministry and focused on celebrating our youngest son’s graduation. Here is one snapshot from that day.

It has been both an emotional and a spiritual month. I think that’s because it has caused me to look back over the last 35 years, well really, all the way back to my childhood.
And what did I see when I looked back? Everything wonderful? NO. Everything high-highs and we knew just what to do? NO and NO!! What did I see when I looked back? I saw that …
I found God was faithful through it all. The ups, the downs, the happy, the sad, the frustrating, and especially through the tough seasons. He was faithful through the devastating moments in our lives. He was also faithful when I had no clue how to raise Christian kids, and at times felt like I had no answers. But thank God, I knew the One who did. I ran to Him and He was faithful!
It brings tears to my eyes as I am writing this because I knew so little about living a good life, let alone a godly life. Yet as only God can do, He taught me. He taught me through His Word, a few mentors, and some good godly friends who were real about their own lives so that we could all grow together.
I am so thankful!
But this month was also spiritually special because I was able to interview two small groups of amazing women about their journey with God through His Word, and Oh, my… what treasures we unearthed.
We learned real life hacks and shared ways of doing things that can really make a difference in our lives.
If you like learning from others and gleaning from their experiences, I would love to help you in your journey!
I am inviting all women to join us in: You CAN Thrive!
I started this membership because I wanted to share what God has given to me to transform my own life. I know life is hard and many times growing strong in the Lord can be difficult as well.
My highest goal is to teach others the very tools and truths that built my foundation in Christ. These truths transformed my own life, and the lives of others over the years, including now through this monthly platform. I would love for you to glean from the teachings and discussions within.
So, I invite you to a FREE month to check out all of the material.
I took all of the guess work out by making it free… this month we are learning how to get into the Word because I know this is where we can get stuck! I did.
You will also have access to ALL that is within the membership. (You can watch the videos, take the Gifts Assessment, watch past Group Coaching Calls, join our Walk It Out Wednesday Coaching call, and so much more.)
I would love to help you live your best life in Christ,
Click this link: Try it for 30-Days for FREE, watch the interviews and teaching videos, download the handouts, join our coaching call, grow, be encouraged, and enjoy the journey!