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Dawn Marasco

Know who you are in Him

Another great gift that brings us peace is to

know who we are in Christ!

Now may the Lord of peace Himself grant you His peace at all times and in every way [that peace and spiritual well-being that comes to those who walk with Him, regardless of life’s circumstances]. The Lord be with you all.

 2 Thessalonians 3:16 (AMP)

A vital part of our foundation for having God’s peace is knowing who God is and who we are in Him.  Today I want to focus on who you are in Him. I pray this teaching blesses you.

Take a few minutes to process: Who You Are in Him.

We were created uniquely by the One who made heaven and earth. (Psalm 139:13–16) God created you wonderfully with specific gifts, passions, and desires to accomplish the best in you! He also made you to view and process life in your own unique way. Often we dismiss how God has created us. We try to hide the fact that we are sensitive or bold and even strong-willed. Others may have tried to discourage our personality, but our God created us wonderfully.


If I were to ask you to write down descriptive words about who you are, how would you describe yourself? What if I asked what does the Bible says about who you are in Christ? Take a few moments to consider those two questions and then write down descriptive words on a piece of paper or on a note in your phone to describe who you are and who you are in Him:


I am:


Sadly, many of us have a hard time pointing out the “good” within us. We may have believed negative lies about ourselves for so long that it is a challenge to see the good in ourselves, but it is evident. Here are a few truths to consider. Consider those that are true for you. Add those truths to your I am statement.


In Him, I am . . . Loved, Saved, Redeemed, Beautiful, Forgiven, Protected, Set Free, Filled, Fruitful, Wise, Kind, Enough, Safe, Covered, Never Alone, Unique, Gifted, Called, Anointed, Faith-filled, Courageous, Patient, Joyful, Faithful, Heard, Seen, Helped, Cherished, a Light, a New Creation, a Worshiper, and a Dearly Loved Child of God. I am blessed!


That is who we are, no matter how we feel.


Here are some additional I am statements from others who have applied these principles. I am . . . His Child, Creative, Smart, Compassionate, Loving, Helpful, Caring, Strong-willed, Focused, Fun, Real, Diligent, Free to Be Me, Free for All Eternity, Artistic, Creative, Complete, Wanting Nothing, Full, Loyal, Sensitive, Observant, Accepting of Others, Encouraging, Determined, Musical, Responsible, a Hard Worker, a Counselor, and a Good Listener. I am His! One ended with the truth that “I am . . . in need of You, Lord!”


Let’s thank Him for who we are in Him. “Thank You, Lord, that I am:


It is so wonderful to know who He is and who we are in Him. These truths will safeguard our peace. Let’s embrace these truths by believing them.

It is helpful to write down what we want to remember.

  • We can make note cards of who He is and who we are in Him,

  • then strategically place these truths throughout our home or car.

  • This will make it easier to memorize, believe, and incorporate these truths into our daily lives.


Our peace will be strengthened as our relationship with God continues to grow!


Blessed to journey together,


PS Calling all women: I want to invite you into a Coaching Call.

I'd love to have you as our guest!

Send me an email at: and I will send you an invite.

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