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Our Life's Impact

Dawn Marasco

I cannot believe it is half-way through May already. This year has flown, this month feels like a blink of an eye.

Recently our family has encountered great grief as we lost a dear family member best known as “Gram”. Tom’s mom went to be with the Lord and it has taken a toll on our family. We miss her dearly!

I would like to share just a few things that I have recently been thinking about.


Our lives can impact so many for good!


Our lives reflect what is most important to us.

My mom-in-love (law) highly valued relationships. Relationships with her family, friends, and those she was in contact with such as her mail carrier, hairdresser, and neighbors.

How did I know that? Because she had pictures, cards, gifts, and conversations with and about those she cared for.

How about our lives?  Who are most important in your life?


God was so important to Mom.

How do I know? Because she spoke about Him, shared her heart with me, and showed us by how she was following Him. Prayer was a key ingredient in her life. My family and I were benefactors of those prayers. She would ask for prayers as well.

How about our lives? Is prayer a key ingredient in your walk with God?


She was also creative and made many beautiful things.

If you ever received a gift from her, first, it was unique and thoughtful. Second the wrapping was so pretty that you felt bad opening it.

Just recently I went to visit Mom and she was so excited to show me something she had made. A few weeks prior to that she mentioned a cool idea of taking a parmesan cheese glass jar and placing cut silk flowers through the holes in the lid. As she told me about it – she was envisioning it. So when I returned for another visit she had it sitting on her coffee table. Immediately I commented on how beautiful the arrangement was. That is when she tipped it and showed me that she poked the flowers through the holes so that they were perfectly positioned.  She gave it to me and told me I could add a bow, but I liked it as it was.

I took a picture of it in my window with another gift she bought for me, a small stone plaque that read, “Thank You for all that you do.” 

As soon as I placed the flowers next to the saying, I thought to myself, "Mom, THANK YOU, for all that YOU do.”

Now, this arrangement is my heartfelt, “Thank you mom for all that you did!”  We will forever thank the Lord for her and her life which touched so many!

Lord, help us live to impact those around us for good. Remembering that it is the little thoughtful things that we do to impact others’ lives!  

Be blessed and enjoy those God has entrusted to you!


Love you bunches,


2 Timothy 4:7-8 (NIV)

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.

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