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Thanksgiving - Look Up

Dawn Marasco


I wanted to send you a Thanksgiving message to lift you up and encourage you. I know that life in general can be tough, but I love that the Bible tells us we can look up to God.

The truth is God is always close to us. No matter what we face, He has never left us. He is for us. We just have to look up to Him!

I know in my own life I’ve had to continually remind myself to look up… look up to the One who will lift me up!

My Story:

When God first taught me this powerful lesson, I was experiencing a situation that began to create a terrible fear. Immediately as I was about to lose my peace, I got on my knees and began to cry out to God. I voiced my concern to Him. I told Him I needed a truth to hold on to. I prayed, “Please, Lord, speak to me through Your Word.” I felt Him prompt my heart, “Psalm 24:7.

I quickly opened my Bible and read Psalm 24:7. As I read the words “Lift up your heads,” I actually looked up. With my head lifted, I took a deep and calming breath. With my focus now upon my faithful Lord, I felt spiritually lifted up. I felt the heavy weight lift from within me.

God prompted my heart, “How often are you to lift up your head and take your eyes off of your circumstances, fixing your attention onto Me?” I was amazed when I realized the scripture is Psalm 24:7. What a great reminder that twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week we can look up to God.

In that moment God showed me that He knew where I was and what scripture I needed. He knew that I was beginning to focus on my circumstances, which was causing me to lose sight of His presence in my life. Focusing on my negative circumstances produced fear and was beginning to rob my peace. When I focused on the Lord Almighty, He lifted my fear and gave me faith to trust Him and a clear understanding that He wants me to look up to Him 24/7 so that I may be lifted up!

Psalm 24:7,10 (NIV)

Lift up your heads, you gates;

be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in.

Who is He, this King of glory? The Lord Almighty— He is the King of glory.

Our lives give us many opportunities to look to God. In those moments we can remember that God knows where we are. We get to look up to the One who is able to lift us up. He is the One who will come in and give us His peace. He is Almighty God. Looking to Him we will be lifted up!

I am in awe of the faithfulness and ability of our God. He truly is strong and mighty. He can keep us, heal us, and even bless us beyond measure.

I am so thankful that our God is always with us and that in His presence we can have His peace.

Friend, I am so thankful for you, too!


PS I would love to connect and pray for you.

If you’re interested, email me at with the subject line Let’s pray.

I’ll reach out. Love you, friend!

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