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Even as a Christian, many times we have to hold on to our peace… as LIFE continues to unfold.

When difficult situations arise, our thoughts can begin to lead us down a negative path.

Our path can begin to twist and turn like a slippery slope, as we start to think on one little negative thought after another. So often this slope begins with subtle thoughts that we allow to remain. As we focus on them, they grow and become full of emotions. Every undealt with thought becomes a heavy weight we are carrying.

What we focus on will lead to the path that we will take.

If we allow the fearful thoughts to become our truths that is when we forfeit our peace. Doubt derails our faith, and we feel weak and far from God.

Friend I know how easily this can happen.

When I am focusing on my circumstances, I can allow negative thoughts to derail my faith. Today I want to encourage you to look up and to be aware of that slippery slope.

The slippery slope:

  • Focusing on our negative circumstances produces fear and begins to rob our peace.

  • This easily causes us to lose sight of God’s presence in our life.

How do we turn around? We can stop and look up!

Psalm 24:7 (NIV) (I added bolding)

Lift up your heads, you gates;

be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in.

Who is he, this King of glory?

The Lord Almighty— he is the King of glory.

  • When we look up and focus on the Lord Almighty Himself, He will lift us up and give us faith to trust Him.

  • This scripture is clear God wants us to look up to Him 24/7 (Psalm 24:7) so that we may be lifted up!

Our lives give us many opportunities to look to God. Even in the devastating circumstances of life, we are to look up to Him. I hope that you are not going through a difficult situation right now, but I know if we look up to God, we will be lifted up. He will take the depths of our pain, disappointment, or sorrow and saturate those places with His peace, comfort, and love.

I know in my own life I have to continually remind myself to look up… look up to the One who will lift me up! Because the truth is that God is always close to us. He has never left us. He is for us. He can keep us, heal us, and bless us beyond measure.

Our God is always with us. Let’s take our eyes off of our circumstances and look up to Him so that we can be lifted up. He can handle all that we entrust to Him. In His presence we have His peace. He is amazing!

Some things to ponder:

  1. We are not in this life alone. Almighty God is with us.

  2. Our circumstances most often are bigger than our ability to fix them or change them.

  3. GOOD NEWS: Our God is bigger than our circumstances and He is able to carry us through any and all situations.

  4. When we look up to Him and confidently bring Him our burdens, He will lift us up.

Let me know which of these points resonate with you the most.

I am cheering you on friend!


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