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Dawn Marasco

Trust & Rest in the Lord

Hello friends. It’s almost summer and joy is in the air!

Well …  I am choosing joy … because honestly, we have had a harder month of May due to processing life without one of our loved ones, Tom’s mom. (I shared about that in the last newsletter.)

Today I am sharing scriptures God has used to help guide me through this time. My prayer is that these powerful scriptures will help you as well.

I’m sharing Psalm 37:3-7 (NAS) This is the reminder I wrote in my journal as a guide for my heart this season!  

Rest in the Lord

And wait patiently for Him


Trust in the Lord and Do good.

Feed on His faithfulness.  (cultivate faithfulness)

Delight yourself in the LORD

And He will give you the desires of your heart.

Commit your way to the LORD

Trust also in Him and He will Do it.

And He will bring forth your righteousness as the light 

And your judgment as the noonday.

Rest in the Lord & wait patiently for Him.

The next day as I pondered the scriptures again, I wrote out key words as reminders … I have added them to the following picture.

Those simple words help me to recall the full scripture's meaning.

I like to break things down to make them simple to remember and apply! I hope these truths will help you not to fret over life’s real issues and situations. I hope it helps you to remember to trust God and continue to do good! Sometimes it is hard to continue to do good when negative things happen, but God’s word tells us, Don’t fret … don’t allow negative things to circle around and around in our thoughts… Trust God in the midst of it and feed on His faithfulness!

It is key to remember when God has been good to you in the past… He is the same yesterday, today, and forever!

Then what a wonderful reminder that in the midst of the hard or negative season, we can still choose to Delight in the Lord … make the Lord our delight and joy.

I also love the reminder to Commit our way to the Lord, because so often we are not sure of the way we should go especially in hard seasons. We are so blessed that we are in good hands. Our God is with us and He will lead us in the way we need to go! Let’s trust in Him and His goodness towards us!

Friend, I love you! I am available if you want to chat. This life can be hard, but our God is good!


Let's focus on the One who keeps us!!!



I am praying for you friend!

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