I hate feeling stuck. I like knowing WHAT to do. How about you, friend?
I like when I can see the goal or the place where I want to be. I never know every step that will get me there, although I pray and ask God to help me to take that first step in the right direction.
BUT LIFE… can cut in on us and block the view of our path. Issues in life can rise up so tall that we cannot see our way through. Sometimes the weight of what we carry can make us feel stuck. I have even had heartache that was so intense that I “forgot” how to go forward.
My story is … my parents divorced when I was young so I knew little about marriage, but I knew from a young age that I wanted to be married and I wanted God in the center of my family. But growing up in a non-Christian home caused me to have to learn a new way of living. It was hard relearning “everything”. That is when I sought out other Christians to process life with.
In order to transform my mind so I could live differently, I read lots of Christian books, did topic driven Bible studies, and went to church every week, but I felt like my transformation was too slow and I deeply desired to learn, grow, and change.
I wanted to learn from others. I was super curious to know how they were doing things and what was or wasn’t working for them. Even though most times I did not do things in my life exactly as others did, I did glean from them and that helped me to take my next step more confidently.
What I have found was that as I went forward through my own journey, seeking God, I did learn many life changing answers. Yes, answers that changed my life and then surprisingly to me … those same answers when shared changed others’ lives also.
WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER! I love that the word journey … has the word “our” in the middle of it.
Our spiritual journey … takes place in community with those who are in our lives.
I love how “our” is in many words including encourage and courage… sometimes we have to ask God to encourage us and for the courage to go forward in our journey. Many times, it takes specific resources to help us take our next steps.
Honestly our lives can be blessed as we journey together!

I want to invite you into our beautiful community because walking alone can be incredibly lonely and confusing. I know firsthand that our transformation can take much longer without support … I also know our lives can be transformed more quickly when we are in a community. That is what we have in You CAN Thrive! I would love for you to be a part of our great group of women.
This membership is where I house my best teachings … I love to mentor women of all ages, coaching them to Build their Faith, Be Restored & Be Empowered to Live their Best Life in Christ.
Is that you?
I'd love to encourage you, build you up, and help you be restored and empowered by the same truths and tools that transformed my own life. This is why I created my You CAN Thrive! Membership.
I want to help you live your best life in Christ!
Let’s journey together,
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