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Dawn Marasco

I Want to Share an Analogy

Can we talk about cleaning our room? Lol, today I wanted to share an analogy I created about my own life. It helped me when I was stuck.  I hope it helps you!


Cleaning Our Room

I got fed up with the past emotional pain and past memories dictating my present day. Imagine we have one room that we have been given. This one room can be kept how we want. Let’s say that over time many things have happened in that room to create disarray. Perhaps others have come in and left a mess. This is your room. You choose how you want to keep it.


• Do you shove everything under the bed so that you can walk through the room?

• Do you open the closet and throw everything in it, and vow that the door will never be opened?

• Do you pretend the mess does not exist?


I have had a real physical room that I called a “catch-all” room meaning I threw everything in that room because I did not want to deal with those things. But the day came when I chose to open the door and assess the damage. I was overwhelmed. A few times I shut the door and thought, I am not dealing with this mess today!


Finally, I decided that I wanted more from that room than just a mess.

The room was not being used as it could have been. It had the potential of being a beautiful room, but it would take me cleaning the mess before its beauty would shine and could be enjoyed as it ought to be.


Can you identify with having a mess that needs to be cleaned up so that the room can be used to its full potential? How about the rooms in your heart being cleaned so that you can grow to your full potential?


The rooms of our heart can be just as overwhelming. When we look in, we may want to slam the door closed and pretend we did not see the mess within. We may want to sweep old wounds under the carpet so we don’t have to deal with them. We may want to shove our pain in the closet and slam the door. That seems easier. As I have shared this lesson on cleaning our room, many have identified with having emotional rooms that they try to hide.


The rooms of rejection, rooms of not enough, or rooms where we feel unheard. These emotional rooms can replay a negative situation or store negative emotions, including sadness, shame, embarrassment, fear, anger, and resentment.


I lived this way for years as I pretended to be a Christian who had it all together. Yet I had rooms in my heart of emotional pain. My cleaning process did not begin until I opened the door of my heart and invited God in by saying, “Okay, God, I give You full access. You are the One who will lead me through this mess.”


When I had the courage to finally clean my physical “catch-all” room, I

• Stepped into the room

• Assessed the mess

• Got overwhelmed


Then I asked God to

• “Show me what this area should look like.”

• “Show me one thing I can do right now.”

• “Okay, what next?”


God was faithful to show me what to tackle in my physical room, and He was just as faithful to lead me step by step through my messy heart.


First, I had to Recognize the emotional issue that I had not dealt with, which was still hindering me.

Next, I had to Release it into His loving arms.

Then I joined God for the strength and wisdom to process it so that I could be healed.


Friend, I am not sure where you are in your “room” or with the rooms of your heart. BUT if you have thirty minutes, I’d love to chat and pray for you. 



Always cheering you on,





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